by Sue Giustino
Since the pandemic began in 2019, the Montauk Food Pantry Volunteers have been working double time to keep up with the continued need for support in our community. Prior to the pandemic, the pantry operated from November through April with one distribution per month. Now they are serving our community needs year-round with two distributions each month. That’s an increase from 6 distributions per year to 24!
Established in 1991 by Fran Ecker, Ines Fox, and Shelly Engstrom when they discovered that some children in our community came to school without sufficient food for lunch, the Montauk Food Pantry continues to play an important role here in Montauk. Located in the lower level of the St. Therese Parish Center -67 South Essex Street, the pantry is coordinated by director Alice Houseknecht, and staffed with about thirty volunteers.
Although, overall, it seems that society is dealing better with lessening the contraction and spread of the virus, many of us have lasting physical and/or economic ramifications to deal with. As a result, our neighbors, who give of their time and energy to run this organization, need our help.
The best way to show support, as many people have done or maybe are still doing, is to send a check made out to the Montauk Food Pantry – PO Box 997, Montauk, NY 11954, or drop off Cash, Checks, Food, Diapers, or Feminine Products at the St. Therese Parish Center, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 and 3.This enables staff to coordinate products needed, availability of times, and staffing along with the scheduled deliveries and pick-ups. Or, you can go to: https://www.montaukfoodpantry.org/donate/
PLEASE consider making a one-time, or even a recurring donation to this essential community service.