Labor Day is a time to take a break, relax, enjoy the day and think about things. This column looks at the laws that surround us. Try it out. Let me know what you think –
First, rank the phrases presented to you in Latin and English, the most important law being “1” and the least important “9.”
Laws Definition
⃝ Iure divino (by) divine law
⃝ Lure Humano (by) human law
⃝ ius civili civil law
⃝ ius gentium the law of nations
⃝ iustitia omnibus justice for all
⃝ ius natural law of nature
⃝ De legibus forte law of chance
⃝ Lex no scripta the unwritten law
⃝ Lex taliones the law of retaliation
Second, write your own poem! Place your choice of law (number) that fits each line. There are no wrong entries, and you can change as much as you like. Read it back out loud and hear what you wrote.
Poem Written by ________________________ 09/2020
⃝ is the boundary between daymare and peace
⃝ yields unity of accepted behavior
⃝ is there so strife struggle and unfairness cease
⃝ shields the diversity of all together
⃝ strong and beautiful future depends on this
⃝ removes the walls around the will to adapt
⃝ guides humility to be the collective wish
⃝ emotes gut response to anger, flare and snap
⃝ is the boundary between daymare and peace
⃝ compels daydreams and wonder to be in reach