by Stefan Lonce
Have you noticed that August is the only month with no holidays? While looking ahead a month, as editors tend to do, I noticed that there are no days marked in red for August. My curiosity being peeked, I flipped through the rest of the calendar. Sure enough, every other month has at least one day marked in red. May has Mothers’ Day and Memorial Day, June has Flag Day and Fathers’ Day, July has Independence Day, September has Labor Day and…well you get the idea. So I decided to see what August has to offer in the way of celebrations…and this is what I found:
Sunday, August 1st:
National Girlfriend Day • Colorado Day • Sisters’ Day • National Friendship Day
National Minority Donor Awareness Day • American Family Day • World Scout Scarf Day
International Childfree Day • World Lung Cancer Day
Wednesday, August 4th:
Coast Guard Birthday • National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Saturday, August 7th:
Purple Heart Day • National Lighthouse Day
Sunday, August 8th:
International Cat Day • International Infinity Day
Monday, August 9th:
Victory Day • National Book Lovers Day • International Day of the World’s Indigenous People • International Coworking Day
Tuesday, August 10th:
Lazy Day • Muharram • National Spoil Your Dog Day
Wednesday, August 11th:
National Son and Daughter Day
Thursday, August 12th:
Middle Child Day • International Youth Day • National Vinyl Record Day
Friday, August 13th:
Left-Handers’ Day
Saturday, August 14th:
Social Security Act Anniversary • National Bowling Day
National Financial Awareness Day • National Garage Sale Day
Sunday, August 15th:
National Relaxation Day • International Homeless Animals Day • National Back To School Prep Day
Monday, August 16th:
Bennington Battle Day • Tell a Joke Day • National Roller Coaster Day • National Airborne Day
Tuesday, August 17th:
National Black Cat Appreciation Day • National Thrift Shop Day • National Nonprofit Day
Wednesday, August 18th:
National Couple’s Day • National Fajita Day • Women’s Suffrage Anniversary
Thursday, August 19th:
National Aviation Day • National Potato Day
World Humanitarian Day • World Photography Day
Friday, August 20th:
Hawaii Statehood Day • National Radio Day
World Mosquito Day • National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
Saturday, August 21st:
Senior Citizens Day • International Geocaching Day
International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
Sunday, August 22nd:
National Tooth Fairy Day • World Plant Milk Day
Monday, August 23rd:
Cheap Flight Day • National Sponge Cake Day
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
Tuesday, August 24th:
National Waffle Day • Kobe Bryant Day • International Strange Music Day
Wednesday, August 25th:
National Secondhand Wardrobe Day • National Park Service Founders Day
Thursday, August 26th:
Women’s Equality Day
Friday, August 27th:
National Just Because Day
Saturday, August 28th:
March on Washington Anniversary • Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
Sunday, August 29th:
International Day Against Nuclear Tests
Monday, August 30th:
National Beach Day • College Colors Day
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance
National Grief Awareness Day
Tuesday, August 31st:
World Distance Learning Day • International Overdose Awareness Day