…Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Welcome to this month’s edition of the Montauk Fire Department Corner. I hope that everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
As we are quickly approaching the holiday season, I feel this is a good time to insure that our homes and vehicles are prepared properly for the upcoming winter weather. This fall our weather has been beautiful and we really haven’t had any hazardous pre-winter weather to speak of. However, we have to face the fact that we will experience winter weather in the near future.
This is a good time to make sure that all your smoke/fire detectors, and fire extinguishers are up and working. Additionally, it’s important to check your vehicles to insure that they are winterized and that your tires are in good shape for driving safely in the inclement weather.
The Montauk Fire Department’s ambulance company responded to 730 calls for service as of the end of November. I feel this number is significant for two reasons. The first is that it indicates that we will probably end the year with approximately 750 ambulance calls for service, which will be consistent with the last few years, but secondly, it should be noted that approximately 70% of these calls for service come between the middle of May and the middle of October. I feel we are all fortunate that we have such a dedicated group of volunteers, and paid professionals providing emergency medical services to the community of Montauk.
The Montauk Fire Department’s Company 6, Fire Police, provided traffic control on Thanksgiving morning for the annual Turkey Trot around Fort Pond. This event has grown significantly over the years, and with it so has the Fire Department’s responsibilities. As always, I am proud of the commitment shown by our personnel, taking time out of their holiday, to insure that others can safely participate in this event.
On Saturday, November 11th the Montauk Boy Scout Troop #139 hosted their annual prime rib dinner at the Montauk Fire House. This is a big fund raiser for the troop and I’m glad that the Montauk Fire Department can be a part of it. Congratulations to the scouts and the leaders for a successful night. Please enjoy the pictures of this event provided by the Montauk Fire Department’s photographer, honorary Chief, Richard Lewin.
That’s all for this month. I want to wish all the citizens of the community of Montauk, and the men and women of the Montauk Fire Department Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
~ Vincent Franzone, Chief,
Montauk Fire Department