Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Hello, and welcome to this month’s issue of Montauk Fire Department Corner. I have good news to report on the COVID-19 front. As of July 1st, the Montauk Fire Department building will reopen to all Members. As you know we have been shut down except for emergency calls since mid-March, so this is a big step in getting things back to normal. I want to thank all our members and the public for closely following these rules, and I am happy to report that we have been infection free.
In past years Ken Walles former owner of Montauk’s Oceanside “Smiley Face” Beach Resort, and an MFD Honorary Chief, has been the lead organizer of the Montauk Memorial Weekend, three days of events honoring our veterans. Because of COVID-19 social distancing rules in place this year, Ken had to be creative in finding a different way to share his patriotism. He arranged with Bozena Krasnicki of Montauk’s Pink Frog Café to place eight patriotic flags in front of her shop. Flags unfurled for the weekend included: U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, POW/MIA flag and two styles of “Old Glory”, the current version and the Betsy Ross flag of the United States of America. Please enjoy the photographs provided here by another Honorary Chief, Richard Lewin.

I would like to join you in offering congratulations to the following Montauk Fire Department scholarship winners:
Kailey Marmemo, winner of the Hank Zebrowski scholarship
Thomas Desmond, winner of the Skip Cannon scholarship
Han Le, winner of the John Mulligan scholarship
Tajhae Campbell, winner of the Don Truesdale scholarship
Also, I would like to welcome Lauren Chakroborty and Alexandra Troy, two new EMT candidates who have joined our ranks and thank them for volunteering.
Lastly, I am happy to report that our new ambulance designated “9-3-18” is operational and has already made numerous trips to Southampton Hospital. Here is a photo of 9-3-18 with EMT Thom Fleming in front of the Montauk Fire House.
That is all for this month, I look forward to giving you further MFD updates as the summer progresses.
~ David Ryan, Chief, Montauk Fire Department