by Patria Baradi Pacis
Once again The Montauk Community Church’s (MCC) Christmas Bazaar and Rummage Sale was a great success in helping augment the Building Fund. Thanks to Pastor Bill Hoffmann, Iris Mitchell, President of the Women’s Guild, Aster Stein, Vice President, Chrissy Herbert Treasurer and the scores of other hard working, volunteer elves who helped.
This holiday, all the rooms were open for business including the white elephant, kitchen ware, the women’s, men’s, children’s, linen department and the hallway full of winter coats, wet suits, picture frames and paintings. For those who have not visited the monthly sale lately, this elf is proud to report that each department has had a facelift. Elf carpenter Bill Schmidt built the much needed shelves for each room, making it easier for shoppers to find their bargains. Head Elf Sheila in the women’s room can now sit comfortably behind the new a-la-department-store-style counter while packing dresses with tags still attached.
If you have not yet finished your shopping for that special someone, come to the next rummage sale on Saturday, December 14 from 9:00 till noon. It’s the best deal in town! For more info kindly check the website www.montaukcommunitychurch.org or call Susan at 631 668 2022 or email montaukcommunitychurch@gmail.com.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year!