June 2019
Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — Happy birthday Gemini! Your career takes off over the next couple of weeks. There are endless possibilities for you as long as you are willing to take some risks. Focus on innovation and your artistic ability. Be ready for travel at a moments notice. A flexible work routine is best for you. Make room for delays and unexpected changes and be open for new ideas.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — Learning to set limits for the next couple of weeks is important. At work, try a joint project. You will be well appreciated and financially compensated for your efforts. Focus on the big picture, not just on the here and now. Keep your thoughts straight, take that creativity of yours and turn it into something useful. Do not settle. Make time for hobbies and exercise regimes. You just need to learn to depend on yourself. New love will bloom, and you will finally recognize a key person in your life.
Leo (July 23 – August 23) — Stop second guessing that recent career move. You will start to feel more comfortable and welcomed at the end of the month. Two love interests are tugging at you. Take the time to get to know them before you decide. And once you are close to a resolution, go ahead and take that short trip to clear your head. Learn to embrace, accept and live with your decisions. You’ll be happy that you did.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — You may feel as though things are slipping away from you over next couple of weeks. You will be tempted to work harder to make up for lost ground. Better to pace yourself and ride the waves. At the end of June, things will go back into your favor. Keep your humor and apply your common sense. Try and keep things on the light side. Your humor and wit will put that special love interest at ease. While you tend to work well under pressure, hold off making any financial or other major decisions until after you get organized. In terms of your career, avoid any interim on the job conflicts.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) — A flirtatious person is likely to change your routine. Enjoy and welcome the break from your normal schedule. Being impatient is your problem at the moment. Try keeping yourself busy, cleaning, shopping etc. Try not to rush into any impulse buys or sign any legal documents. A phone conversation is enlightening. Someone likes you more than they want you to know.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — Opportunities may arise from those that you do business with. While you both may seem to be on different pages, with patience and tact you can find common ground and make things work. Over the next couple of weeks work and personal situations may seem to go in slow motion and may seem labored. Just be patient and map out your objectives. This will help you get through this sluggish time.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — Try to be practical in your thinking this week. Do not let your imagination run wild, you may find that the plans and ideas sound good, but may only cause trouble in the long run. Be inventive, but make sure what you do has practical applications. You need to broaden your horizons. Reflect on your past projects. Keep in mind that we need to revisit the past to deal with the present and the future. Financial pressures are being alleviated.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Creativity is born out of emotional releases. Spend more time with those who incite your emotions more. Prepare yourself more before jumping into new projects. Remember not to look only in one direction. Keep an open mind and seek out your co-workers opinions. Pressure to travel, coming from both work and family, will require careful planning. Be aware that powerful individuals are watching you. A past romance will fizzle out and fade away. Take things in stride.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — Steal moments to unwind more. Try to plan a weekend getaway to help you to chill out. Daydreaming and creating fantasy’s can help to stimulate you. These illusions can be just the needed thing to keep you inspired. Cut the ties that bind. This will help free you up emotionally. You do not always need the approval of others in your life. Keep your mind clear and live your life for yourself.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — A new career or business opportunity could present itself. Grab the moment, or create your own dream opportunities. Advancement in career and love stems from knowledge and use of communication. Messages of love come indirectly through different forms of communications so check your email. This keeps you young and full of energy. Set an example, and lead by doing. Show others how to let go and have a blast. A positive channeling of your energy helps you think with a clear head. Follow your instincts and act upon them.
Aries (March 21 – April 20) — You have intense energy. Start an exercise regimen. It will do you good. Channel your energy also into creative ventures. You tend to be a very empathetic person and your friends need you. Let them know you are there for them to give them the much needed support they need. You need to restructure your life, and in the process you will make the needed decision about a love relationship. Keep your mind clear and live your life for yourself and not only for others. A love relationship may also develop into something worthwhile. This is a good time to go on interviews. Show others that you mean business.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — Your psychic abilities and intuition helps you to manage others around you. Knowing when to go forward or to lay back is important at the work place. New management is coming in. Be cautious, and let them direct you. Others may cause hostility, putting them in bad light. You on the other hand will be deemed a valuable asset, who is a team player. This month’s lesson is to temper your urges. While you’re aggressive and assertive ways may have scared off many possible love interests in the past, a former love will reappear. Tread carefully, but do not be close minded.
Please call Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical
Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King Street • Chappaqua, NY 10514 • (914) 469-6693 • FrancineTesler.com