October will bring in more stability to all. After the previous months, which were not easy, everyone will finally feel relief again. October will be a more serious time. Use this time to look within. Setting boundaries and goals for the new year. On October 14, Mercury goes retrograde (affects communications, weather, finances, and electrical devices.)This planet aspect will finish on November 3rd-in time for the elections. We should all be using this time to focus on our mind, body, spirit. We will all have plenty of time to think about everything in peace.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) — Happy birthday, Libra! You will find this to be the most pleasing month of the year. Focus on personal affairs. Your emphasis will be on home-related matters. The planets that have been retrograde since February are now moving forward. Therefore things will happen at a rapid pace as the push to move forward happens. Mercury will impact you until the 28th. This aspect may make you feel extra sensitive. Try to be more diplomatic with your mate if you want the relationship to be cordial. Venus {the planet of love}will help singles get into love connections. An old flame will resurface and may rock your confirmed relationships. It would be best if you learned to depend on yourself. At work, try a joint project; you will be financially compensated for your efforts and recognized as a critical player.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — You will have to learn to balance work and personal situations. Spirituality will also be in focus this month. This focus on spiritualism will help you and others in many ways. Venus will influence couples and assist with intimacy and passion. Single people will have many opportunities to encounter possible love partners—volunteer at the voting polls. On the career front, the seeds you plant will flourish in the spring. Look before you leap. Otherwise, you will stay on an emotional roller coaster. Follow your heart, and you will not be disappointed.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — There will be professional concerns and social issues at the beginning of the month. The focus on finances will be an impact on partnerships and love. The retrograde activity of Mercury on October 14 will also impact career and relationships. A love relationship may also develop into something worthwhile. Try to be diplomatic, and you will come out ahead. As you whirl through the craziness, keep in mind that you created the drama in your life. While this phase of your life seems exciting, do you want to stay on the roller coaster? You need to restructure your life, and in the process, you will make the crucial decision about a love relationship. Keep your mind clear and live your life for yourself, not for others. Focus on promotion and respect from others.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Try spending more quality time with your partner. Use this time to focus on love and family and rebranding yourself in your career. Define your objectives; many opportunities will come out of the woodwork. Use the new moon on October 13th to plant the seeds of success. Whatever you focus on this month will create further gains in the spring. At work, use your verbal and writing skills to help you gain a financial advantage. There may be more than one way to arrive at the same place, so be flexible in attaining your objectives. It would help if you had more excitement in your home life, so take the initiative to be spontaneous and get out and do things.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — You tend to become aggressive and intolerant. A chapter in your life is closing. Any disorder will settle, and the storm will clear. Get rid of that emotional crutch you have been using. A committed partnership is imminent, so do not worry. If you are patient and have the dreams, all is possible. A significant opportunity comes this month. Give it your all and deliver your best. The rewards can be substantial. On another note, a compelling decision can change a relationship.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — The singles’ life will probably bring in exciting choices that will catch your eye. When you show them your true self, this short-term acquaintance could turn into a serious relationship. The retrograde planets are now moving forward, which will provide an opportunity to accomplish your ambitions. Venus and Mars will affect romance. A stressful situation is over, so you can finally stabilize a love relationship. Do not worry about appearing silly. Put your needs first, and a lover will become more attentive. A positive channeling of your energy helps your thinking with a clear head. Follow your intuition and act upon it.
Aries (March 21 – April 20) — You will appreciate art and spiritual experiences this month. In this time, the focus will be on sex, occultism, or medicine. Your senses will become sharpened, especially when it comes to decision-making. You are at the start of a life change, and emotions are running high. Do not rush or overreact your life will become simpler. Be firm about pursuing your personal goals and ambitions. Be more creative in as much of your life as possible. This creativity may help you get the notice that you need within your career. Promotion is more likely sooner then what you had anticipated. Your unusual business ideas will bring financial rewards.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — Mars is favorable for new relationships. This month will be highly encouraging for professionals. A love situation has disheartened you. And you are upset because of the choices that you made. Stop beating yourself up and crying over spilled milk. We all make mistakes. Just try to be more discerning of your options. You have much energy and goodness to go around, so save these feelings for people who mean something to you.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — This is a happy month despite some things that need attention. The Mercury retrograde this month will allow the planning of social activities moving forward. Keep in mind with the Corona virus; we have all been frozen. You can achieve your targets quickly. This month will be great for economic progress. As far as your career, you have great people skills, use them to the max. Your eye for details gets you noticed. Your success may threaten coworkers and friends. To combat this, be generous with your time and improve your listening skills. You may find yourself feeling a little confused. If you commit to a relationship, you will figure out where you need to be. Do what you think and need to do in your gut.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — There may be conflicts between personal aspirations, profession, family, and love interests this month. You are about to experience real romance, more extraordinary passion, and more self-acceptance. Happiness is just ahead. You do not have all the answers yet, so follow your feelings, and you will. As far as your career, link your talents with a former colleague. The results will be outstanding. Your success lies in being a team player.
Leo (July 23 – August 23) — Professional matters and family concerns are equally important this month. A romance happens that you thought would never ignite. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings in this intense affair. Leave your past behind. In your career, you will find success in an unfamiliar area. The Corona virus has forced many people to revamp themselves. Try doing consultations via zoom. There is a good sense that something special is about to happen. Because of your prior disappointments, limit your expectations. Be prepared to enjoy the rewards for your toils.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — You will be more independent and focus on personal interests. Your professional life will be full of demanding situations, and you will enjoy solving them. As far as your career is concerned, it is time to rejoin the mainstream. Fore-go the old regime and pursue your ambitions. You are at a crossroads, and you need to go forward. Turn a yearning into a reality by trying something new. Your wishes can come true.
Please call Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King Street • Chappaqua, NY • (914) 469-6693 • www.FrancineTesler.com