by Francine Tesler
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — Happy birthday Sagittarius! You are cheerful and optimistic, poised to undertake something new this week, with skills that match the goals you hope to achieve. This is a week where taking chances seems natural. You are confident in your ability to hit the ground running. You can only plan so much for a challenge before rolling up your sleeves and getting to work.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Unwanted responsibilities crowd in on you. Even if you don’t want to see your relatives, they would like your company. Make the best of your week. You are the only person who can decide if your time is wasted. If you wake up in a melancholy mood, there’s no reason why you must remain that way. Treat yourself to good food and set aside some time for your favorite hobby.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — The great things you have hoped for doesn’t occur as you had expected. Hide your disappointment. Your patience is legendary. You get your way by simply waiting for events to fall into place.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — Creative teamwork pays off when others finally understand what you have been saying. Romance twinkles in the eyes of someone who really notices you. The world feels your presence. Expectations are still soaring when new opportunities come your way. Shift gears so that you do not take on more then you can handle.
Aries (March 21 – April 20) — This is a week when you have every reason to feel good about yourself. Your wealth is indefinable and never completely gone, no matter how much of it you spend. Others are drawn to bask in your glow. Expect to have a moving experience. You are deeply involved in everything around you, sometimes making it happen. The next few days will be a time to remember.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — You hear some conversation, but it would be unwise to base your actions on it. Amusement is a common language this week. Your feelings about a relationship will affect the course it takes. Don’t let anyone hear you complaining this month. You might forget that you ever had a problem. Anything that passes through your hands is somehow improved. Your friends and family are proud of you.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — Fun is the best medicine this week with lots of entertaining and laughter. You may be luckier than you are smart for the next few days. Reality is not all that far from your imagination today. Join forces with other dreamers to make things come alive. This is a time when the friend of a friend comes in very handy. Whether you’re hitting the road or broadening your perspective, it feels like the perfect starting point. If you play this advantage the right way, you can stretch it for a week or more.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — A vital decision requires your undivided attention. The current business situation involves new people. Get to know their strengths and weaknesses. Move through your day moment to moment, rather than by routine. Repeating a story too many times is likely to bore others. After a point, talking is no longer an acceptable substitute for doing.
Leo (July 23 – August 23) — You are driven by an ethical responsibility to help others improve their lives. You can have a good time with whatever comes your way. Your idea of fun seems to be getting into trouble and getting yourself out. Your light heart and free spirit are weighed down by material concerns. Money and possessions take up much of your attention. It may be time to redefine your values.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — Friends and family are your best source of entertainment. Sentiment is no substitute for hard facts in making decisions. Your favorite way of doing things may be impractical at this point. Small oversights may result in terrible consequences. Keep your chin up and look on the bright side. Set the tone for an optimistic week, even if you have doubts. Kindness comes with relaxation.
Libra (September 23 – October 22) — Your words and ideas travel at light speed, leaving a strong impact wherever they pass. You have no time for limited boundaries and silly rules. Spend some time with friends and go into the country. Hit the road in search of adventure and inspiration. You can do well enough on your own, but the more people you bring along multiplies your chances for an amazing time.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — Distrust could be your downfall this week. Have faith in someone’s motives, even if their approach has you shaking your head. You are more critical of yourself then others who do not notice your shortcomings. Try not to micromanage those around you. Upward mobility to those who have earned it. Changes made at this time are likely to be permanent.
Please call Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King Street • Chappaqua, NY 10514 • (914) 469-6693 • FrancineTesler.com