My friend the late, great, Capt. Bob Tuma told me that whatever the weather is at sunrise the first day of each season, will probably be the weather pattern for that season. First day of Fall was calm, but a light Northeast. Then the fan came on and has been blowing steady since!!
Fishing was still good, nevertheless, you just had to tough it out when you went. The Striped Bass hung in there a little longer this Fall, but still not the numbers we had been used to just a few years past.
Lots of great action under the light, the Elbow, Pollack rip, Jones, north bar, but the fish were mostly shorts. Good sign for the future at least. When the Blackfish season opened it was game on! Some of the best Blackfishing was had, despite the uncooperative weather conditions.
Cartwright, New Grounds, all around the point, SW Ledge, seems anywhere there was a good rockpile that hadn’t been “hit” yet produced. Still got plenty of time to go catch them. Blackfish season closes December 14th and remember the size limit is 16″, 4 per person. If it’s a nice day, once you have your limit of Blackfish the Black Sea Bass have been just about everywhere as well. They are moving out to deeper water, due to the drop in water temperature, so plan on taking a ride. South of Block Island is a good location to hit the numerous rockpiles for them. Go too far and the Dogfish will be there to greet you in great numbers. Once they’ve moved through and thinned out, it should be time to try for the Codfish.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, a good way to work off all that food is to go fishing!!
Watch for your weather windows, don’t take any unnecessary chances this time of year, it’s not worth it!!
Tight Lines,
Captain Skip