With this mild winter, I thought it just may be an early start, and sure enough it is. The Striped Bass have shown up early, and most everyone in Montauk are still working on getting their boats ready, myself included! LOL!
It’s certainly a good sign. What is really great, is the size and numbers of fish headed our way. All those massive schools of juvenile Striped Bass that have been coming through for the last 5 years or so, have grown up, and are now keepers.

It’s really shaping up to be an action packed season! The beautiful part of these early season Striped Bass is that they are on the move and they respond very well to Diamond Jigs and Bucktails. It’s also easy to follow the Striped Bass because the birds will be right over the top of the school, looking for any bait being chased to the surface. When the Bass come to the surface you can even use surface plugs and poppers like they do on the beach.
Yes, speaking of the beach, there has been some good surf action down by Hither Hills and along the south side. These fish are pushing through our area already. There were quite a few short fish at first, but now the slot fish have shown up. It’s looking like the fish are as eager to get in on the action as much as the anglers re. We all better get ready quick!
New Regulations have not yet been posted as usual, but for the most part the Black Sea Bass is the only planned change as of right now. Striped Bass will remain at 28 inches to 35 inches and 1 per angler. As far as the rest of the fishery we will just have to wait and see. Like always as soon as we know we will give you all the update.

This time of year, before the season, anyone with a boat should take the time to go over all your equipment…we can’t stress this enough. Most importantly is the safety equipment. You must have a life jacket on board for every passenger. Running lights must all be working. Engines must be serviced. Hose clamps all must be checked, especially if you have any thru hull fittings carrying salt water. Double check that all of your electronics are in good working order. We get a lot of fog out here, so make sure your Radar is working properly, tuned properly, and most of all the sweep must be mounted properly so when your running with your bow angled up a little, it’s pointed down a bit, or your going to be marking birds instead of boats! Each season we have some very close calls, your life could depend on it. If you don’t have a Radar, stay home, or wait for the fog to lift!
I feel that it’s going to be another action packed season both inshore and offshore. Seems everyone just can’t wait to get back out on the water, myself included!!
Wishing everyone All The Best for the 2023 Season.
~ Tight Lines, Captain Skip
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