As the 2024 season comes to a close, just got to say it was one heck of an action packed season on all levels and species! Inshore or offshore it didn’t seem to matter. The spring run had loads of Striped bass coming by the point, along with the Bluefish that rolled in on their heels. Early June, while fishing commercially for Black Sea Bass, we had giant Tuna chasing mackerel right beside the boat! The Tuna pretty much remained around the entire summer providing anglers with steady action almost every day. If the tuna were not behaving any certain day, the Whale show was as good as it gets!
Fluke fishing was a bit slow at the beginning, but the Black Sea Bass really stepped up to the plate big time, when the fluke were being finicky. I mean Black Sea Bass were being caught well over the legal size limit! It provided great action for the young anglers to keep them interested and never to get bored because if it wasn’t a Black Sea Bass on the line it was a Porgy, Sea Robin, Dogfish, Skate or Triggerfish. What young angler doesn’t like catching a giant Dogfish?
Canyon fishing was fairly steady too, with nice numbers of Swordfish being caught this season. The Swordfish stocks have really come back over the recent years and although most are caught at night, there were quite a few caught during the day. When a nice sized Swordy comes flying out of the water in the daytime, it’s a sight you won’t soon forget! Giant Bluefin and Big Eye Tuna are well known for giving you a fight of a lifetime, but when you hook into a big Swordfish, that critter will just plain wear you out!!
Naturally with all the tuna action these past 2 years the sharks have really taken a back seat. The Mako shark moratorium really shut down the shark fishing industry, and boy have they made a comeback! Striped bass and Bluefish were getting eaten off the rigs as anglers were reeling them in on a daily basis. Personally we had a 600-700 pound Mako grab a Bluefish off an umbrella rig and really put on a show. Jumping 15 feet in the air like a polaris missile 10 feet off the back of the boat twice!!
I could go on and on, the bottom line is that the 2024 season was nothing short of excellent!!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, whew, just can’t wait for the 2025 season, can it get any better?
Tight Lines, ~Captain Skip