Fishing Montauk with Captain Skip

All these past years going miles and miles for Tuna, but it was definitely not the case this year! Anyone who wanted to go Tuna fishing for the first time was more than likely not disappointed this season. The Whale show alone, was worth the price of admission. Humpbacks, Finbacks, Minke, Porpoise, all acting as beacons showing you where the Tuna were hanging out. So instead of having to go 50, 80, 120+ miles they were conveniently located at two close spots. The close spot was only 12-14 miles and the other spot was just 4 miles further at 16-18 miles south of the point!! There were all sizes of Bluefin Tuna to choose from, football sized, all the way to giants!

Trolling spreader bars worked very well, then later Diamond Jigging was also productive and is an amazing fight on light tackle. The Giants preferred live Bluefish or Mackerel. The inshore fishery has been good for Porgy (Scup) and Black Sea Bass. Just recently the Fluke really woke up and have been providing great action too!

The Striped Bass on the other hand all traveled further north and east when the water warmed up. It’s looking like a late Fall run this year, because hordes of Striped Bass are still in Massachusetts and Maine. Lots of bait all around the point and the south side that should give them plenty of feed for their journey back to the Hudson and Chesapeake. We are just going to wait on them for a bit longer it seems.

Unfortunately along with all the bait comes sharks! Sandbars, Threshers, and Spinners are all over the south side and at Southwest Ledge. Big Mako sharks are also at Southwest ledge! They’re stealing anglers Bluefish, Black Sea Bass, and whatever else they can grab. It’s been crazy!!

Some great fishing is yet to come, the only deterrent is the constant NE wind we’ve had almost all season. NE wind is our worst wind direction, because there’s nowhere to hide when it comes on. We are directly open to it, and especially with an Ebb tide, it can be downright ugly. Always use good judgement before heading out for the day, it’s just not worth breaking the boat or yourselves, just to catch a fish!!

Still got lots of good fishing ahead, in between the Blowing NE wind! Blackfish season is just around the corner. October 15 – December 22. 4 fish per angler at 16 inches.

         ~ Tight Lines, Captain Skip