The 2019 Fishing Season Marches On!!! Granted there are probably complaints about the Fluke and Striped Bass, but everyone must remember “It’s called Fishing not Catching” !!! For the most part overall fishing for all the species was pretty darn good this 2019 season. There was some lulls in the Fluking fishery, but towards the closure of the Fluke season there was a huge rally and some really nice giant Fluke were brought over the rails! Numerous double digit Fluke were caught and a whopping 15.5 Fluke was caught by some lucky angler, on a popular party boat. Oh, and where was all this amazing action taking place at the time? Off of the Radar of course!! Right in our own backyard!!

The Striped Bass behaved well for the most part, but after we had that very hot heat wave they moved out to deeper water and a large amount travelled further east. During a spell when the water heats up to the point the Striped bass don’t like, they will move out into deeper water and return at night to feed as the water cools back down. Now I’ve tried to find them as others have too, but it’s like they vanish into thin air. It just makes you scratch your head wondering where the heck did they go? A good number hung out over by Block Island along with some very big Bluefish, but you have to obey the laws of the EEZ. Meaning you can’t possess, catch and release, Striped Bass when over 3 miles from shore. You can transit from Montauk to Block island and vice versa, but rods must be stowed away from the cockpit, or you will be out of compliance. Beyond that, overall Striped Bass fishing was not so bad.
Giant Shoals (schools) of Bunker were hanging out all summer off the beaches from Ditch Plains all the way down to East Hampton. Humpback, Fin back, Minkie, whales and Porpoise were feeding within a mile of the beach. Even around the first week of October Giant Bluefin Tuna were crashing the bunker right next to the party boats. Some Fly-fishing boats even filmed the Bluefin and can be seen on “You Tube”. It’s been a wild season for sure!!

Bottom fishing remained the constant all season long. The Porgy and Black Sea Bass were to be found just about everywhere, I personally noticed that a new batch of juvenile Black Sea Bass are around, just like the upswing of the Black Sea Bass about 10 years ago! A very good sign that the stocks are in really good shape!!
The offshore fishery this season was the best it’s been in years. Both Shark and Canyon fishing was almost as good as it gets. Anglers that ventured out to the offshore canyons were rewarded for their efforts instead of just barley putting together a trip. Yellowfin, Bigeye, Swordfish, White & Blue Marlin, and huge schools of Mahi-Mahi (Dolphin fish) were all there for the taking. Another good sign that things are on the upswing offshore as well!!

The “Blitz” is on right now, but the fish blitzing are all short Striped Bass and Bluefish. You can fish for them with light tackle and it will be a blast. Please handle the fish gently because they are our future stocks!!
Blackfish season is open so go and get in on that action. Most rockpiles are holding fish. Green, Calico, and Hermit crabs are the perferred bait. You have to be patient and sharp because the Blackfish can really be tricky! When you feel that first “bump” you better be ready to “swing” on the second bump!!
Still got plenty of good fishing time, just watch your weather, no fish is worth risking your safety!!
~ Tight Lines, Captain Skip
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