Laura Michaels: My home in Montauk overlooks Fort Pond. I am soothed by the beauty of Montauk, it influences my work as an interior designer. I also love how Nest thermostats work, they’re programmable and you can control them from anywhere. They have helped me reduce my electric bill. The fact that South Fork Peak Savers is giving them away, free and installing them for free is a no brainer to me—I recommend them to all of my clients.
LOU CORTESE: It seems the South Fork uses 2x the energy as the rest of Long Island in summer (peak) months. In order to meet demand, the utility PSEG has to build infrastructure and power lines that none of us want. Basically Montauk gets crowded and we have to live with infrastructure for 12months, that’s onlyneeded for 6 days. That’s nuts, why not change our habits a little and get paid to do so? This program gives people $250 per smart thermostat if they have central air, up to $500. And they help you reduce the peak load, which means less power lines in the future. Isn’t that a no brainer?
Laura: It is to me!
About Energy Use on the South Fork
and the South Fork Peak Savers program.
The South Fork’s energy consumption is growing at twice the rate of the rest of Long Island, and the peak load is projected to increase annually. (Peak Load is the amount of energy used during Peak consumption periods primarily in July and August when air conditioning, pool pumps and electronic devices are all in high demand.) If you want to preserve the beauty of the East End and lower your own footprint and electrical bill, it’s time to make some changes. According to PSEG Long Island, if energy consumption doesn’t diminish new transmission lines will be built. South Fork Peak Savers goal is to encourage energy efficiency and work with businesses and residents to help lower peak use. For more information go to: https://southforkpeaksavers.com/