Brain Waves with Debra Rose: March 2025

Achievement vs. Accomplishment

From a young age and throughout our lives, we learn that much of ‘success’ in life is dependent upon what we ‘achieve.’  We are rewarded through grades at school, awards in sports, medals in competitions, certificates when completing study.  Standards are uniform, recognized, shorthand devices to see where and how we measure up.  Externally imposed standards are familiar benchmarks; however, they may not be as fulfilling as internal goals we set for ourselves.

Accomplishment is where we find satisfaction in our pursuits, both in the outcome and the process.  We derive more aspiration to continue the pursuit in the future, rather than checking something off our list or crossing a finish line.  While we need external standards, we cannot forget our internal values that bring a sense of pride, positivity and confidence.

Why does the difference matter?  Intrinsically we are wired for what matters to us personally, and that is often eclipsed by what we are pressured to achieve.  If we attach our self-worth to the goals of others, our satisfaction usually decreases and there is less personal growth.  Think about times when you are doing something aligned with your own sense of purpose and person values versus times you are working for something that represents a more generic, universal finish line.  It is important to incorporate our own individual activities in addition to the never-ending tasks to achieve.  The happiness we feel is fleeting when we live for someone else’s rules and more fulfilling when we are engulfed in our own.  Like the flow state when we are so absorbed in what we are doing we lose track of time, the reward is the feeling of joy that follows.

Playing an instrument, writing, surfing, cooking, are just some of the activities that can make us happy not because we are winning an award but because it fulfills us to engage in them.  When you find yourself striving too often to achieve external standards, be sure to incorporate goals that drive you and your own sense of what is considered an ‘accomplishment’  to you.