by Sue Giustino
It’s been quite a year for the guys and gals over at Beaches & Beans Coffee Co. They successfully navigated the turbulent waters of 2020 and gained significant traction in just a little over a year, all while continuing to operate under the same foundation they initially created the company under- which is creating an exceptional cup of coffee that possesses the same invigorating effect as leaping into the ocean. In Montauk, it seems as if they’re everywhere you look. Whether it be a sighting of that gorgeous vintage blue pickup or the newly wrapped Circuit car shuttling visitors around Montauk, or just an image, cup, or bag of their coffee that is quickly becoming synonymous with the East End.
After recently speaking with the owners, they seem to have an affinity with the motto, “Anything worth doing in life, is worth overdoing!” It’s that very mindset that seems to have put them on the fast track to success. “This type of company is new to us, and measuring success is fairly difficult when you don’t have any past analytics to compare it to. Obviously, sales metrics is a good place to start, and we’ve tapped our supply companies to gauge where we stand as well, with regards to the other coffee companies they do business with. Additionally, we’ve taken a deep dive into social media and compared our growth and engagement with other businesses. Needless to say, we’re very happy and thankful for where we currently stand.”
They’ve even expanded into Key West, and most recently Palm Beach, Florida. They expressed that aside from the tremendous amount of support and orders received from South Florida prior to expanding, they identified without question a common nexus between The Hamptons and South Florida. Both communities have a love and appreciation for the #saltlife lifestyle, whether it be fishing, surfing, diving, or just a passion for what coastal living has to offer. Additionally, many of their customers spend time in both locales, all which made making the decision to bring their coffee to the sunshine state an easy one. Seeing the photos on their Instagram page of pallets of Beaches & Beans being loaded onto trucks destined for Florida, it’s safe to say it was also a smart one.
Giving back to the local community continues to be a big part of Beaches & Beans. They donate a portion of all proceeds to various groups who work to protect our oceans and local beaches. Fishing and surfing are engrained in every fiber of their being and they feel obliged to do their part to make sure future generations get to enjoy nature’s playground the same way they have. In addition, they’re still in partnership with Jimmy Buffet and his charities. They’ll be collaborating on a new product with them later this year to benefit our veterans.
So, stay tuned for what Beaches & Beans has in store for us next. Great coffee, great people, great causes, and a coffee brand that brings you to the beach sip by sip, regardless of where you may be. It’s a win win!