February & March Birthdays
It’s hard to believe that is has been a whole year since COVID-19’s arrival. Seniors of Montauk haven’t eaten lunch together nor have engaged in activities such as chair yoga, dominoes and mahjong for so long. I am sure that the young at heart miss keeping up with all the happenings in their lives and showing off pictures of their latest grandchildren and pets.
Happy Birthday to February birthday celbrants: Zaida Novoa, Richard Sexauer, JoAnn Valcich and March celbrants: Nilson Novoa, John Kessler, Frances Carroll. May you have many more to come! I look forward to bumping into you at the Post Office or at IGA on Senior Tuesdays. Although it’s been a cold winter and we’ve had more snow than we care for, we are still very fortunate compare to other states who were out of electricity for days.
It is good to know that East Hampton Supervisor Peter Van Scoyok, its board members and staff are working hard to open test sites, locally. Seniors will have a shorter commute instead of driving all the way to East Hampton. Hopefully, more vaccines will be readily available for everyone who need it. In the meantime, we’ll just have to be patient a little bit longer and keep away from crowds and wear masks. One thing for sure, is that seniors of Montauk are well looked after especially by having their food delivered weekly and checking up on each other. Kudos to all who make it possible. Happy Spring and Happy St. Patrick Day!
If you are 60 years old and over and need more information regarding the Center and what it has to offer, kindly contact, Executive Director Therese Jarmain at 631 668 1023 or e-mail her at mtksencenter@gmail.com or call Director of Human Services Diane Patrizio at 631-329-6939, ext. 7201 or e-mail dpatrizio@ehamptonny.gov.