by Patria Baradi Pacis
It’s been fifteen months since the Montauk seniors have had lunch together at the Center. Hopefully it won’t be long until the young at heart can meet, once again, to enjoy their Monday through Friday, delicious lunches and the end of the month, strawberry or carrot birthday cake.
Since most of the Montauk seniors have been vaccinated, perhaps they can, once again, get together to play mahjong, cards, bingo or dominoes before and after lunch. The twice a week tai-chi chair exercises and meditation is surely missed. June’s celebrant is Viola Angelidis. Happy Birthday, dear Viola and many more to come. Hopefully, you’re back from Florida to enjoy Montauk’s beautiful summer weather.
Seniors who stayed and live in Montauk are grateful for the meals delivered to their homes. A big thanks to the U.S. Administration of Community Living, N.Y.S. Office for the Aging, Suffolk County Office for the Aging, East Hampton Town, client fees and donations, for caring and trying to give the seniors a better quality of life.
For those who are 60 years old and over and would like to join this energetic group when it opens, kindly contact, Executive Director Therese Jarmain at 631.668.1023 or e-mail her at mtksencenter@gmail.com or call Director of Human Services Diane Patrizio at 631-329-6939 or e-mail her at dpatrizio@ehamptonny.gov.