…by Patria Baradi Pacis
July Birthday Celebrants
Birthday celebrants at the Senior Nutrition Center who were born on the month of July were Bill Schmidt, Teresa Harrington, my husband, Cam Pacis and newly promoted Executive Director Sharon Sennefelder. Most welcomed the week-end fireworks on the beach and beautiful, hot, summer weather of Montauk including guests and relatives of the seniors who saved all year to be able to enjoy our garden of Eden of Paradise Heaven. There were few or no complaints from the young at heart knowing that cold weather is just around the corner and nature could be as brutal as last winter. But let’s not think about that far ahead. “One day at a time” or “Every day is a bonus” as they say.
If you are 60 and over and would like to be royally served lunch for only $3.00 on real china and silverware a well balanced meal from Monday to Friday and do yoga exercises, play mahjong, cards and dominoes, kindly contact Sharon at 631 668 1023 from 10:00am till 1:00pm or e mail her at mtksenctr@gmail.com. You’ll be glad you called. Happy Birthday July babies. May you have many, more healthy years to come!
Over 90’s Luncheon!

On Friday, August 17, at the Senior Nutrition Center, seventeen VIP’s, consisting of twelve, vibrant, ladies and five, happy, gentlemen who have reached the age of 90, were awarded a Plaque of Appreciation by East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc, Councilwoman Kathee Burke-Gonzalez and Director of Human Resources Diane Patrizio.
Honorees leading the young at heart group were Rosalind Baiardi (97), followed by Marianne Mennona (95), Teresa Harrington (95), Marcia Richer (94) Josephine Kenny (93), Anna Shvedosky (93), Edna Neuer (93), Eugene Beckwith (93),Detlev Zimmermann (92), John Knight (92), Gloria Leber (92), Nelda Brickner (91), Evelyn Walles (91), Eugene Klausman (90), Tony Corvi (90), Joyce Whitman (90) and Jean Ruggles (90).
Entertainment was provided by talented senior artist, Nolda Vivo, who decorated the room with posters of beautiful black and teal letterings on white with each honoree’s name, highlighting the year they were born from 1921 to 1928. Ms. Vivo gave a short speech alluding to the roaring twenties daring short skirts, $2.98 men’s Fedora hats, Charles Lindberg’s flight to Paris, Amelia Earhart’s solo flight, Mickey Mouse’s first cartoon appearance and the invention of Yoyo and Scotch tape to name a few. She said that their decade was one of the happier times of the century.

Oldies but goodies songs by Sophie Tucker such as “Some Of These Days” were performed by senior Judy Tergis, accompanied by her tape recorder as background music while the other seniors were served delicious spring rolls, pigs in a blanket, salad, baked salmon, white rice, corn, vanilla ice cream, coffee and tea.
This Nonagerarian birthday luncheon was one of the most attended (55) by Montauk citizens who were at least 60 years of age, excluding the staff, volunteers and relatives that this reporter has covered since recently retired, Executive Director Eileen Bock opened the center at the Montauk Community Church in 1993. My late, mom Eden always wore her Sunday best for this special occasion and looked forward to the annual party until her passing six years ago at the age of almost 102.
Kudos to Executive Director Sharon Sennefelder, her staff, volunteers and entertainers for another successful party. Precious moments to keep for the rest of the seniors life.
If you would like to join this fun loving group, kindly contact Sharon at 631 668 1023 from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 1:00 pm or e-mail mtksenctr@gmail.com.
For more info about the center, kindly contact
631 668 1023 or check the website: www.montaukplayhouse.org