Star Party…
DATE: Fri., Sept. 7, 8:00 – 10:00 PM
CO-SPONSOR & LOCATION: South Fork Natural History Museum, 377 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike, Bridgehampton NY 11932
COST: Free, but donations to help support MO’s programs are appreciated.
REGISTRATION: Call SoFo at (631) 537-9735
DESCRIPTION: Montauk Observatory astronomers will set up their telescopes under the dark skies at the South Fork Natural History Museum (www.SoFo.org) in Bridgehampton and give guided tours of the heavens to all who attend. Feel free to bring and set up your own telescope or binoculars, even do some astrophotography.
Please note: The star party will not be held if it is raining, or totally overcast. Light refreshments will be available. A family friendly event!
Lecture & Observing: Highlights of the Fall Sky…
presented by William Francis Taylor, NASA Solar System Ambassador
6:30 PM Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Shelter Island Public Library
37 North Ferry Road, Shelter Island, NY 11964
NASA Solar System Ambassador and Montauk Observatory Astronomer, William Francis Taylor, will present a lively, illustrated talk about the constellations, planets, and other celestial objects that are visible in the Fall sky over Long Island and how you can identify them. Afterward, weather-permitting, Mr. Taylor will set up a telescope and present a guided tour of the night sky, pointing out the celestial objects he discussed during his talk.
Register for this free event by calling the library at 631-749-0042.
Montauk Observatory is grateful to its co-sponsor, Shelter Island Public Library, for hosting this event, and to Mr. Taylor for volunteering his time and expertise.
For further information about this event and others, to join our mailing list for event notices, or for questions about our organization, email MontaukObservatory@gmail.com
Oct. 8 (before nightfall): Draconids, rate 10/hr
Oct. 21-22: Orionids, rate 10-20/hr
Nov. 5-6: Taurids, rate 10-20/hr
Nov. 17-18: Leonids, rate 10-20/hr
Dec. 13-14: Geminids, rate 100-120/hr
Dec. 21-22: Ursids, rate 5-10/hr
The Montauk Observatory Inc., MO is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide FREE year round educational programs, including astronomy lectures and professional planetarium shows. It also provides free remote access (via internet) from its research grade telescope to students, researchers, educators and the general public. Any donation is greatly appreciated. For more info and future events check www.montaukobservatory.com or e-mail MontaukObservatory@gmail.com