Welcome everyone to this month’s Montauk Fire Department Corner.
This month is bittersweet for me, as I am stepping down from the Fire Chief’s post after serving three years as Chief. There are so many people I wish to thank for assisting me during these last three years. First I would like to thank my wife and children who have stood by me throughout my tenure as Chief. Although my MFD duties caused me to miss many family functions, they were always at my side.
I would like to thank my Assistant Chiefs Vinny Franzone and Dutch Riege. Their support and counsel have assisted me tremendously, and I am so grateful for it. I cannot say enough to praise the Officers and the men and women of the Montauk Fire Department. Their selfless call to duty for the community of Montauk is beyond reproach. They have stood by me working hand in hand and I am grateful for their support and friendship. I know that they will continue to serve as enthusiastically and competently for incoming Chiefs Franzone, Ryan, and Valcich. I would also like to thank our neighboring Fire Departments, who have always assisted us when needed.
A big thank you to Ken and Sue from the Montauk Sun. They have provided me with a monthly forum to keep the public up to date as to what is going on in the Montauk Fire Department. Along those same lines I want to thank and owe a great deal of gratitude to Rich Lewin. Rich is a professional photojournalist who has been there to photograph every major event, ceremony, parade, etc. to chronicle the rich history of the Montauk Fire Department for the last three years, and I can’t thank him enough for his efforts.
Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank the citizens of Montauk who have been so generous and supportive of me and the MFD. It has been a pleasure and honor to serve as the chief of the Montauk Fire Department.
In closing I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday, and also to remind everyone that the Montauk Fire Department/Montauk Lions Club Senior Citizens Holiday Dinner will be served at the Montauk Fire House on Sunday, December 4th starting at 1:00pm and that Santa will be coming to the Montauk Fire House on Sunday, December 11th. Have fun.
Sincerely yours,
Chief Joseph Lenahan