Insightful Impressions…Astrology Outlook with Francine Tesler: October 2023

Did you know the upcoming new moon on October 14, 2023, is the Hunter’s Moon? This name was inspired by Native Americans who would prepare for winter by gathering provisions. The new moon is also sometimes called the Blood Moon. This will be the first new moon of the Autumn 2023 season, which occurs right after the Autumnal Equinox. It’s the perfect time to set your intentions and focus on personal growth! However, if you plan on undergoing elective surgical procedures, it’s best to avoid doing so during this time, and I wish you all the best!

Interestingly, the upcoming full moon, which falls on October 28, 2023, is called the New Hunter’s Moon and will be in Taurus. The Hunter’s Moon has a rich history and many fascinating traditions, including why it’s often called the Blood Moon. Different cultures have unique beliefs and practices surrounding the moon, which holds a mystical and mighty aura that has captured people’s attention for centuries. I also learned that the Hunter’s Moon was a feast day for many Native American tribes and European cultures and that hunters would capture animals and stock up on food for the winter during this time. Surprisingly, the Hunter’s Moon is smaller and lighter than usual. It rises soon after sunset, providing hunters with bright moonlight to hunt by during the early evenings. For Pagans, the Hunter’s Moon is known as the Blood Moon, a morbid and fascinating name.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) — Happy birthday, Libra! It seems like you’re craving some mental stimulation. Why don’t you plan a trip to the theater or an art exhibit? Singles might find themselves intrigued by social choices that differ from their usual tastes. However, Friday could bring some frustrating romantic issues because things are unclear. I would advise waiting for it to work out and seeking advice from friends on the weekend. Communication, hopes, and wishes are favored then, so go ahead and express yourself.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — Scorpio, it’s time to deepen your bond with your partner by conquering your inhibitions and initiating romance. Your love life will improve over the next few weeks, but remember that one step at a time will get you where you need to be.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — Sagittarius, chance meetings may allow you to accomplish more than you expected, either professionally or financially. Duty and pleasure sometimes mix, and your ambitions and personal relationships will fit together more comfortably.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Capricorn, give yourself some slack, and instead of spinning your wheels, envision what you want in love and create it. The confusion will clear by midweek, and you’ll return to top form. Treat yourself right, and someone else will hurry to follow your lead. Others are impressed with your creative solutions, so put that creativity to work.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — Aquarius try not to take risks this week. Follow your instincts and explore financial possibilities that exist close to home. Your passion may inspire fellow employees and catch your boss’s attention, but try not to let your agenda interfere with your work ethic.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — Pisces remember that first impressions can be misleading. Give your coworkers a chance to redeem themselves and stand by your decisions; others will respect you more. Thinking “outside the box” will bring new opportunities to you, and your boss may have big plans that include you. Reach out to those who are on your mind.

Aries (March 21 – April 20) — Aries relationship issues are taking center stage, but try not to let them get under your skin. Be patient instead of letting your pride get in the way. Finding a different approach will help your relationship with your mate.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — Taurus, movement within your job environment could shake your company’s foundation, but keep doing your job. Humility under pressure is the best platform for your abilities. Friday, you are considered for a possible promotion, so you can look forward to the new and exciting events that await you.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — Gemini, if you’re single, you might find that your romantic situation is a bit tired. Why not reorganize your love life and generate new ideas for a fun and exciting romance? The mystery will be in the air, so enjoy these moments.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — Cancer, networking is likely mid-month, even if you’re not seeking more clients or future employers. Startling industry trends might unnerve management, but policy shifts will occur over the next few weeks. This could give you different ideas about functioning and maneuvering yourself politically.

Leo (July 23 – August 23) — Leo you may have to soften your approach for those who aren’t quite ready for them. Take a step back and ask yourself if your conflict with someone is more about personality conflicts. Remember, not everyone we meet or work with we will always like. If you keep your temperament to yourself, getting along with others will happen more quickly. A common goal unites people, and couples proceed through the weekend at a leisurely pace.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — Virgo, the weekends will recharge your electricity, and people will be drawn to you. A sweet gesture on your part will reap huge rewards. Try not to juggle too many things so that you don’t lose track of what’s essential. A strategic move may help push you forward, and new love is coming into your life. It’s time to take a chance.


Please contact Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King St., Chappaqua, NY • • (914) 469-6693 •