Insightful Impressions…Astrology Outlook with Francine Tesler


There will be a Full Moon on October 9th. This Full Moon was called the Hunter’s Moon by the Native Americans who lived in the area. They kept track of the seasons by giving an individual name to each full Moon…The Harvest, the Hunter, and the Equinox.

The Harvest Moon and the Hunter’s Moon are unusual that they are not named or based on mythology or folklore. Instead, the Harvest and Hunter’s Moon refer to the entire month and are connected to an astronomical event – the autumn equinox. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that happens near the autumnal equinox date (September 22nd this year). Therefore, September or October’s full moon may be called “Harvest Moon” instead of its traditional name. Coincidentally the Hunter’s Moon is the first full moon to follow the Harvest Moon, meaning it can occur in either October or November. This year, the Harvest Moon occurred on September 10th. The Hunter’s Moon will follow it one lunar cycle later, on October 9th.

The Hunter’s Moon got its name because it pushed people to go hunting in preparation for the cold winter ahead. They also call this full moon the Blood Moon, which corresponds to blood from hunting, and the color of the leaves changes. This Full Moon will be on October 9 in Aries (the sign of war and a Fire sign). All the sun signs will feel this Full Moon differently. Try to keep a calm mind because negative thoughts create energy, whether they be positive or negative. If we are not careful, we can make and manifest our fears!

There will be a NEW MOON on October 25th.  Solar Eclipse…This New Moon is a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.  Use this time to set your intentions for this month and the approaching New Year! This New Moon focuses on relationships, intimacy, control, power, money, and Partnerships in Scorpio’s sign. This New Moon has Venus conjunct the Moon. Everyone will be feeling extra emotional and more sensual during this time. A sort of emotional frisky roller coaster!

This eclipse is about new beginnings in all areas of life. It’s about strengthening ourselves from the inside out…mind, body, soul, and spirit. We may be more exposed and vulnerable emotionally. This eclipse will highlight our emotional and financial investments and possibly challenge them. In our charts, significant developments in the personal areas ruled by Scorpio will likely occur over the next 3-6 months.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) — Happy birthday, Libra! If you commit to a relationship, you may feel confused; you will figure out where you need to be. A new twist in your relationship will present itself. Do what you think and need to do in your gut.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — A committed partnership is imminent, so do not worry. If you are patient and have dreams, all is possible. A significant opportunity comes this week. Give it your all and deliver your best. The rewards can be substantial. On another note, a compelling decision can change a relationship.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — Do you want to continue living erratically? Then, you need to restructure your life, and in the process, you will make the crucial decision about a love relationship.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — A past love has strained your ability to trust. You are upset because of the choices that you made. Stop beating yourself up and crying over what you cannot go back and redo. We all make mistakes. Just try to be more discerning of your choices. You have much energy and goodness to go around, so save these feelings for people who mean something to you.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — Working under pressure is who you are. Focus on your creative abilities, and your will accomplish your goals. Apply this in career and romance. A positive channeling of your energy helps your think with a clear head. Follow your intuition and act upon it.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — You are about to experience a real connection, more extraordinary passion, and more self-acceptance. Happiness is just ahead. You do not have all the answers yet, so follow your feelings, and you will. As far as your career, link your talents with a former colleague. The results will be outstanding. Your success lies in being a team player.

Aries (March 21 – April 20) — Keep your mind clear and live your life for yourself, not others. Use this excellent time to go on interviews. Show others that you mean business. Enthusiasm makes all the difference in getting what you want. Focus on promotion and respect from others. A love relationship may also develop into something worthwhile.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — You will find security in a loving relationship. Follow your heart, and you will not be disappointed. Use your humor to laugh things off when others take things too seriously. Make an example of yourself by example; lead by doing. Walk the walk, not talk the talk. Show others how to let go and have a blast. Try some meet-ups to widen your social circles.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — A stressful situation is over, so you can finally stabilize a love relationship. Do not worry about appearing silly. Put your needs first, and a lover will become more attentive. At work, you will shine with a project that puts you in a new location. You have developed an outstanding reputation.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — As far as your career, you have excellent people skills. Use them to the max. Your eye for detail gets you noticed. However, you may feel strained because your success may threaten your coworkers and friends. Be generous with your time and improve your listening skills to combat this.

Leo (July 23 – August 23) — You tend to be very romantic and do not stop thinking about slowing down. You need to move on and leave the past behind you. At work, use your verbal and writing skills to help you gain a financial advantage. There may be more than one way to arrive at the same place, so be flexible in attaining your objectives. It would be best if you had more excitement in your home life, so take the initiative to be spontaneous and get out and do things.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — You are at the start of a significant life change, and emotions are running high. Do not rush or overreact, and make your life simpler. Be decisive about pursuing your personal goals and ambitions. Be more creative in as much of your life as possible. This creativity may help you get the notice you need within your career. Promotion is more likely sooner than you had anticipated. Your unusual business ideas will bring financial rewards.


Please call Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King Street • Chappaqua, NY • (914) 469-6693 •