by Sue Giustino
New York State on Pause has been extended…Schools and nonessential businesses will stay closed through May 15th.
While we are figuring out this new normal and also hoping for a return to life more as we knew it, many of our local restaurants are staying open- trying to keep staff working- and providing a delicious alternative to cooking every night!
In addition to our pizza shops, restaurants offering take–out include: John’s Pancakes, M&R Deli, Shagwong, MTK Lobster House, Naturally Good Café, The Point, Tauk at Trails End, Harvest, Sammy’s, Montauk Circle Bistro, Sail Inn, Gig Shack, Gin Beach Café, Left hand Coffee, Salivars, The Inlet, South Edison, Navy Beach, Gosman’s Fish Market, and Gosman’s Dock Restaurant [beginning May 22nd]. So, while following the guidelines for safety, be sure to explore the many food options available right here in Montauk.
“Another part of getting to the new normal is continuing to stop the spread of the virus, and to do that I am issuing an Executive Order that says all people in public must wear a mask or face covering.” ~ Governor Andrew M. Cuomo