August 2019 Events in the Long Pond Greenbelt
Sunday, August 11 – Sunday at 2: Dell Cullum – Encounters with Opposums and Raccons. 2:00PM. Dell Cullum is the owner of Hampton Wildlife Removal & Rescue in East Hampton. 100% humane, no kill trapping. He’s also a wildlife rehabilitator, educator, filmmaker & photographer, creator and host of Imagination Nature TV which is in its fifth year on LTV. Dell visits several schools each year to talk about our beautiful wildlife and the importance of compassion and learning to live with our wildlife neighbors, rather than consider them a nuisance and seek ways of eliminating them from our lives. He also speaks to adult groups and organizations, including this past 2019 Long Island Natural History Conference at Brookhaven. Dell is the author of “Eden of East Hampton” a half historical reference / half photo gallery, making up the only book written about East Hampton Village’s treasure, and sanctuary to some amazing wildlife. He also is the author of the ongoing children’s series, “The Wild Adventures of Scurry the Squirrel”.
Dell will be discussing Opossums and Raccoons, two of the east end’s most common nocturnal critters, who due to our unique environment have found paradise. He’ll cover what makes these animals so unique, the benefits they offer to our environment and to ourselves, and how to live with these critters whose habitats are ever shrinking. The presentation includes a slideshow with both original stills and short video clips.
The Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Center is at 1061 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike and is handicap accessible. All Sundays at Two events are free and open to the public. Refreshments are served.
Monday, August 12 – FLPG Monthly Meeting – All Are Welcome! 6:00PM. At the Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Center, 1061 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike (just North of Scuttle Hole Rd), Bridgehampton. For more information contact 631-745-0689.
Thursday, August 15 – Full Sturgeon Moon Hike. 8:30PM-9:30PM. Co-Sponsored by Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt (FLPG) and South Fork Natural History Museum (SoFo). Join FLPG and SoFo on a leisurely-paced hike through open-field trails. The Native American fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this moon, since sturgeon were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon because, as the moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. Refreshments afterward. Meet at the SoFo Museum parking lot, 377 Bridgehampton Turnpike, 200 yards north of the RR tracks. Leader: Jean Dodds, 631-599-2391.
Saturday, August 17 – Old Farm Road Cleanup. 8:00-9:00AM. Help clean up the roadside along FLPG’s adopted road. Meet at Poxabogue Park, 191 Old Farm Rd, Sagaponack. Bring gloves, bags provided. For more info contact Jean Dodds, 631-599-2391.
Sunday, August 18 – LPG Grassland to Grassland Hike, 9AM-10:30AM. Join Friends of the Long Pond Greenbelt on a moderately-paced 2 mile hike through oak and pitch pine forest to the grasslands of Vineyard Field with 3 different pond views. Meet at Poxabogue County Park, Old Farm Road. Sagaponack. Leader: Dai Dayton, 631-745-0689.
The Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Center is located at 1061 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike & and is handicap accessible (look for the “Open” flag and follow drive to the end). http://longpondgreenbelt.org